Homogeneous collections#

Homogeneous collection is a collection of same type elements. The most common homogeneous collections are typing.List, typing.Set and variable-length tuple typing.Tuple (like Tuple[int, ...])

Primitive homogeneous collection#

Field of a primitive homogeneous collection type marked as pydantic_xml.element() is bound to sub-elements text.

class Company(BaseXmlModel):
    products: List[str] = element(tag='Product')
    <Product>Several launch vehicles</Product>
    "products": [
        "Several launch vehicles",

Model homogeneous collection#

Field of a model homogeneous collection type is bound to sub-elements. Then the sub-element is used as a root for that sub-model. For more information see model data binding. Parameter tag is used to declare sub-elements tag to which the sub-models are bound. If it is omitted the sub-model tag parameter is used. If it is omitted too field name is used (respecting pydantic field aliases).

class Social(BaseXmlModel):
    type: str = attr()
    url: str

class Product(BaseXmlModel):
    status: Literal['running', 'development'] = attr()
    launched: Optional[int] = attr()
    title: str

class Company(BaseXmlModel):
    socials: Tuple[Social, ...] = element(tag='social')
    products: List[Product] = element(tag='product')
    <social type="linkedin">https://www.linkedin.com/company/spacex</social>
    <social type="twitter">https://twitter.com/spacex</social>
    <social type="youtube">https://www.youtube.com/spacex</social>

    <product status="running" launched="2013">Several launch vehicles</product>
    <product status="running" launched="2019">Starlink</product>
    <product status="development">Starship</product>
    "socials": [
            "type": "linkedin",
            "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/spacex"
            "type": "twitter",
            "url": "https://twitter.com/spacex"
            "type": "youtube",
            "url": "https://www.youtube.com/spacex"
    "products": [
            "status": "running",
            "launched": 2013,
            "title": "Several launch vehicles"
            "status": "running",
            "launched": 2019,
            "title": "Starlink"
            "status": "development",
            "title": "Starship"

Dict homogeneous collection#

Field of a mapping homogeneous collection type is bound to sub-elements attributes:

class Company(BaseXmlModel):
    products: List[Dict[str, str]] = element(tag='product')
    <product status="running" launched="2013"/>
    <product status="running" launched="2019"/>
    <product status="development"/>
    "products": [
            "status": "running",
            "launched": 2013
            "status": "running",
            "launched": 2019
            "status": "development"